Rock of Ages Winery in Hurdle Mills NC

Did you know that September is North Carolina Wine Month? That's all the motivation I needed to take a drive to a winery I had heard about but never visited. I set off for a little over an hour drive to Hurdle Mills NC to visit Rock of Ages Winery On my route, I saw beautiful old barns, rolling hills, and farmland. I drove through one of my favorite towns Hillsborough NC. There were a few slow-moving vehicles on the journey. Instead of trying to pass them I took the time to relax and enjoy the sights of smells of the countryside. Before I knew it, I had arrived. There it was the Rock of Ages Winery. What a lovely building. There is nothing more inviting then a beautiful door. The building itself is beautiful. The stone and wood create a welcoming setting. I met the owners, Kevin and Kim Moore. They took the time to meet and greet everyone. They know their wine and seem to enjoy sharing t...