Gingerbread House Seasonal Competitions in North Carolina

I have always been fascinated with the gingerbread house. It is so much fun to come across the occasional gingerbread house competition during the holidays. The amount of talent and patience that goes into building such a creation is impressive to me because I have neither. Have I ever built a gingerbread house? I guess you could say yes, I have tried. The house I created had walls and a roof, and of course windows. To be more accurate I would have to call my house a shack to give you the proper feel for the level of my creativity. In North Carolina a National Gingerbread House Competition is held at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville. They began this tradition in 1992, and it has become a seasonal attraction. I noticed on the official website there is a Gingerbread hotline. I wonder why you would call them? Here is a sample of the entries for the 2017 event from Amazing! I have been...