How Much Does the Largest Watermelon Weigh at Watermelon Day at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh North Carolina?

July 26, 2018, is Watermelon Day at the State Farmers Market in Raleigh North Carolina. I love watermelon and the farmers market so I decided to go. According to the flyer, the event would include a "Largest Watermelon" contest with cash prizes, free watermelon slices, and recipes, and the NC Watermelon Queen would even be there. First off I stopped to enjoy the free watermelon slices that were being handed out to the visitors. The watermelon was sweet and delicious. I decided to do an informal survey. I was curious as to who likes to put salt on their watermelon. Everyone I asked said they enjoyed salt on their watermelon. I do too. I wonder if that is a southern thing. My dad was from TN and loved salt on his watermelon. My mom was from PA, and she found the idea disgusting. I found a quote on Baking Bites as to why some of us like salt on our watermelon. "Salt makes watermelon taste sweeter by creating...